Every second year, since the day of the god of Tarsha, those earning the titles of master or mistress over slaves must prepare a sacrifice in thankfulness and anticipation of the prosperity of the year to come. These sacrifices must be prepared in the way of the BloodOath ceremony. May the god of Tarsha bless those that give generously. The master/mistress must prepare two different categories of slaves. Half shall be Hunters, the other half Bound. Hunters will be those ranked higher in your household, those that the god has blessed you with hard work and achievement. The Bound can be those your inhabitants are cursed with; extras that are not needed, or offenders of your personal law. The Bound shall be released on the Night of Oath. Later the Hunters will be sent out to bring them to the cloisters. If a Bound is found they will be punished and tortured for our gods benefit, before public sacrifice on their personal Day of Blood. If a Master/Mistress's patience is tried before the Bound are bought forth, the Hunters shall take the Bounds places. The minimum amount of slaves to be sacrificed is two, and the genders must opposing.
Will you Hunt or be Bound?
So that's the basic idea. Feel free to ask questions, for more info or to sign up please check it out:
We need these roles to begin, so please consider taking part.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/srbuVs6zmsk/viewtopic.php
lake vostok montgomery county public schools the river dr dog ke$ha earl csco
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