Posted on February 12th, 2012
One of the best ways to pass the time with your kids is to do crafts with them. Regardless of what kind of art they?re doing, kids just love to express and create through art. On the other hand, not all parents like getting involved with crafts. But what are some possibilities as to why? One reason is crafts can cause a lot of messiness. Perhaps it?s just a question of too much time to do crafts. Or? maybe it?s just a question of getting the proper tools such as left-handed scissors for those who need them. However, engaging in craft work doesn?t have to eat up a lot of time, expense, or even be a source of stress. Crafting is supposed to be fun; so keep reading to discover how you can have that.
One of the best ways to have fun at craft time, especially if you have kids whose ages are spread apart, is to choose a project that everybody can work on together. This way everybody gets to play a part in creating something new that the whole family can enjoy. This also keeps you covered. If, for example, you forgot to buy left handed scissors for your left handed daughter, your right handed son can do the cutting part of the project while your daughter concentrates on gluing the pieces together.
Doing crafts either alone or with your children doesn?t require much in spending. Of course there are the very fundamental types of art and craft supplies; such as left-handed scissors if they?re needed. You just need some inspiration and creativity to make fun things using stuff in the yard, tree branches, leaves, or things in the house.
You let them choose the project now you have to guess what it is, never ask them what it is they will be hurt that you don?t recognize it. They may say ?look what i made!? You won?t like the look on your childs face if you guess wrong. You don?t want to call it the wrong thing.
You don?t want your child busting out in tears because her creation was supposed to look like grandpa and you called it a bear! Instead you should simply ask your child to describe it to you tell you all about it. This way your son or daughter gets to talk all about how they made what they have made and you won?t risk hurting their feelings. We know all too well that it can be a bit of a task getting the right match with ability and level of difficulty. There is so much to worry about and prepare for! Just try to be organized and prepare for what you?ll be doing. Have your supplies on hand (left handed scissors for the lefties, right handed for the righties). Make sure everyone has enough room to work. Have extra supplies in case someone needs more than you think they will. Remember, no stress and just have fun with it.
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